Sustainable water challenge launches project TWENTY65

— 11.02.16

by Jody Dalton

Recently launched research initiative, TWENTY65, will address the challenges of providing sustainable water for all in the face of population growth, climate change, urbanisation and ageing infrastructure over the next 50 years to 2065.

The collaborative project’s official opening event was held at Whitehall, London in January, and saw Sheffield Water Centre along with the Management School’s Dr Kamal Birdi and Dr Tina McGuiness, win the EPSRC’s Grand Challenge for ‘Sustainable Water for all,’ for their innovative proposals on the project so far.

Dr Kamal describes how the event began with an overview of the programme with project leads outlining their research plans. He then facilitated a range of activities involving water sector stakeholders (water companies, supply chain, professional bodies and academics), designed with the following aim in mind:

“To identify the most critical disruptive innovations we require in the water sector over the next 50 years.”

Dr Kamal Birdi, Sheffield University Management School, TWENTY65 project theme lead on collaboration for innovation

Tina McGuiness is contributing to another project theme on mobilisation.

The event was opened by Kedar Pandya, Head of Engineering at EPSRC and was attended by key players from the water sector, including the Head of Sustainability for the GLA and the KTN Manager for Water, ARUP, Murphy Group and Water Utility companies from across the UK.

Working in partnership with five other universities and organisations across the water sector including water utilities and trade associations, the Management School’s research will seek to provide ‘Tailored Water Solutions for Positive Impact’ on health, the environment, the economy and society.


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